Computers and Parts for sale in Orleans, Ontario
Acer 15" - $120
I have a great acer dual core for a great price, I have acquired another laptop and no longer need this one. It has a...
PS4 Games - $100
Lot of 6 PS4 games
Will sell all for $100, or $20 per game
- Minecraft
- Need for Speed
- Pinball Arcade
- Little Big...
Wii System Bundle - $250
Wii game console + power adapter + cables + sensor
- 3 remotes
- 3 nunchucks
- 27 games including Mario...
XBOX 360 - $200
$200.00 O.B.O.
- XBOX 360 with 120 GB hard drive
- 1 controller (batteries included)
- 1 HDMI cable
- All other...
HP Elitebook 8730p - $155
Super deal
Compare and you'll find them at about $200 and up on the internet .. and they are well worth that amount....
Good desktop machines - $30
Older, but still quite useful. Single core but 2 threads (hyperthreading).
Three machines, and processor speeds are...
SATA laptop drives - $25
We have 2 of 250 Gb ... but we'd prefer to have 4 of 80 Gb for refurbing computers.
Interested ?? Can buy, or trade.
Desktop Surplus - $1
-case fans
-adapters from ps/2 to usb for mouse or keyboard
-adapters from usb to ps/2 for mouse & keyboard
Acer aspire one laptop - $80
Acer redefines mobile connectivity with the Aspire one, a netbook (or mini-notebook) packed with fun and powerful...